Employer Accreditation

Your access to global talent

09-486 2169

Employer Accreditation might sound onerous at first, but it is actually a relatively straight-forward process for most employers to complete. The key is in making sure your application is filed correctly and that you understand the various obligations that come with Accreditation, once approved. We can sort this for you.

Unlock a world of global talent for your business

Employer accreditation plays a pivotal role in the New Zealand immigration landscape, allowing businesses to hire foreign workers through work visas. Accreditation signifies that an employer meets stringent standards set by Immigration New Zealand (INZ), ensuring fair employment practices and safeguarding the interests of both workers and the local labor market.

Steps to Obtain Employer Accreditation:

  1. Initial Assessment: Employers assess their eligibility based on criteria such as financial stability, compliance history, and commitment to employing and training New Zealanders.

  2. Application Submission: Compile required documents, including financial statements, employment contracts, job descriptions, and evidence of compliance with labor laws. Submit the accreditation application to INZ.

  3. INZ Review and Assessment: INZ thoroughly reviews the application, ensuring that the employer's practices align with New Zealand's employment and immigration regulations.

  4. Site Visit (if required): Depending on the circumstances, INZ may conduct an on-site visit to verify the provided information and observe the workplace environment.

  5. Accreditation Decision: INZ communicates the accreditation decision to the employer. Successful accreditation demonstrates the employer's commitment to ethical employment practices.

Key Considerations During the Process:

  • Document Preparation: Thoroughly prepare accurate and comprehensive documentation to support the accreditation application.

  • Employment Practices: Adhere to New Zealand labor laws, including wages, work hours, and conditions, showcasing a commitment to fair treatment of workers.

  • Job Offers and Contracts: Provide clear and well-structured employment agreements and detailed job descriptions for prospective employees.

  • Record Keeping: Maintain meticulous records of employment details, wages, and hours worked, ensuring compliance and transparency.

  • Training and Development: Demonstrate dedication to upskilling and training the local workforce, showcasing an investment in New Zealand's labor force.

Benefits of Seeking Professional Advice

  • Navigating Complexity: Navigating the intricacies of the accreditation process can be daunting; professional advisors offer expertise to guide employers through each step.

  • Application Success: Professional advisors enhance the likelihood of a successful application by ensuring accuracy, completeness, and adherence to regulations.

  • Time and Efficiency: Advisors streamline the process, minimizing delays and errors, allowing employers to focus on their core operations.

  • Risk Mitigation: Advisors help employers mitigate the risk of non-compliance, potential visa rejections, and subsequent negative impacts.

  • Customized Strategies: Advisors tailor strategies to the unique needs and circumstances of each employer, ensuring a personalized approach.


Accreditation is a vital gateway for New Zealand employers seeking to hire foreign workers. With the expertise of professional advisors, businesses can navigate the complexities, optimize their application, and ensure a smooth path to obtaining employer accreditation for work visas. This not only benefits businesses but contributes to the growth and prosperity of New Zealand's workforce and economy.

Your immigration specialists

Jackie Qi - Support

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