Visas and Borders - A Review

I have been in this industry (immigration) for a long time and I am not sure I have ever seen as much media focus on the immigration system as we have had over the last few months. Much of this has unfortunately been unfavourable, particularly in terms of a number of new systems and rules being rolled out, which of course can put a negative spin on the opportunities that are in fact available. It can also be incredibly confusing for those considering a move here and so in an attempt to clear the fog and perhaps encourage a few more bright and talented people to consider New Zealand as an option, we take a look at the current system, opportunities and what the future may hold.

The Borders

The borders are open and as of 31 July (at 11.59am) all categories of Visas can be applied for including Visitors, Students, Workers (under the new Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme) and Resident class Visas. Pre-departure Covid testing has been dropped for new arrivals, although evidence of a suitable Covid vaccine is still required for those over 16 years of age. Passengers need to complete a traveller declaration online before arriving which includes their Visa details and vaccination information as well.

Previous restrictions and limitations for travel have been removed and the former “Critical Purpose Visa” pathway that saw only a very narrow group of people able to cross the order have all been removed.

Click here for the full article.


A Failure To Plan


A Visa 12 Years In The Making…